
// Social worker and accountancy

// Introduction and objectives of the course

This vocational degree aims to train men and women working as social workers and accountants (involved in the drawing-up of the payroll).

The vocational degree for social workers and accountants must be completed in one year. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters amounting to 450 hours of tutorials, 150 hours of tutored projects and 16 weeks of industrial placement from January to April. This vocational degree features an introduction to administrative practices, tax returns and employment law (contracts and documents).

It gives second-year students in accountancy additional skills by means of:

  • An elaborate reflection and enforcement of social and labour legislation
  • New subjects such as international accounting, international law, professional ethics, applied computing, legal and financial
  • English, pay and social administrative practices (documents, formalities…)

What is worth mentioning about the course is the operational use of the computing tool. Courses are provided by professionals and consist of class contact hours and tutored projects.

// Admission requirements

Admission is granted after assessing the student’s application form, and the applicant’s skills and motivation.

The students eligible for the course are:

  • Full-time students and apprentices: students who come from BTS and DUT in related disciplines or second-year students in the service sector or accountancy (For example: second and third year students in the legal field, business, management, accountancy or assistant in small and medium-sized firms, assistant BTS, DUT GEA, BTS legal careers,…)
  • People in training schemes (including people attending in-service training) and accounting firms employees or the like. This course is also open to students in vocational training schemes able to attend a full-time schedule after an accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL).

// Course structure and content

S5: 30 ECTS
TU 1: 5 ECTS – employment contract management
TU 2: 5 ECTS – labour law II: implementing and changing the working contract
TU 4: 5 ECTS – labour law III: settlement of industrial disputes
TU 5: 5 ECTS – social law I: social security (or insurance)
TU 6: 5 ECTS – professional tools: improvement of the students’ computing and administrative skills
TU 7: 5 ECTS – litigation law: the main aspects of litigation law are developed
S6: 30 ECTS
TU 3: 5 ECTS – labor law III: settlement of industrial disputes
TU 8: 5 ECTS – international law: international labour and social law
TU 9: 10 ECTS – tutored project: refers to current legal and economic events
TU 10: 10 ECTS – internship (16 weeks)

// Career prospects

Job prospects are excellent in accounting firms, in administrative or accounting departments, in the human resources departments of medium-sized firms, etc. It is possible to apply for a master’s degree in human resources and management.

// Contact

Tel: + 33 3 28 77 84 73

Send an email

message envoyé
  1. Tous les champs sont obligatoires.

Address: IUT A de Lille – Département GEA – BP 90179 – 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq CEDEX – FRANCE

// Location

Building SH3, campus Cité scientifique, Villeneuve d’Ascq